Miss my Ozzie
7 days to go till I see my Ozzie again.
I miss him so damn much.

My Ozzie's been a bit clicker-happy since he got his Canon EOS 350D.
We went to the Oblation to take some pictures yesterday. The Christmas lights around the oblation were... uhm... let's say 'disorganized' and the lights said "Pasko 20 5" (the other 0 went out). Although, they did a good work on landscaping the pathway to the Oblation.
This one is a pretty good shot of the oblation. It was a bit skewed, I photoshop-ed to rotate the image 3 degrees.
Pretty good for an amateur. :D
Now I smile whenever I look at my screen
No, I don't have pr0n, silly.
Just some cute scribbles my Ozzie made on my monitor.
Makes me all shnuggly inside.

drawn at Burgoo, Tomas Morato on our Anniv Dinner.

My Ozzie takes great artsy-fartsy pictures.
An example is the picture shown here.
The shot's title is "Coconuts".
(It's green, if you don't get it)
I wonder...
I wonder what life would have been if we didn't accidentally meet at AS walk...
I wonder what life would have been if he didn't call my attenion by calling "sexy, sexy!"...
I wonder what life would have been if we didn't wast our time cutting classes just to chat with each other about anything and everything and everything under the sun...
I wonder what life would have been if we didn't become so close...I wonder what life would have been if I didn't invite him to help me buy a present for my Dad on his birthday...
I wonder what life would have been if we didn't watch "Boys and Girls" together...
I wonder what life would have been if he didn't kiss me that day...
I'm not really sure where what my life would be right now if those things did not occur, I'm just happy they did.